International Scientific Conference organized by Telavi State University
When: March 27 and 28, 2025
Where: Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University
We are honored to invite you to the scientific conference „Application of Modern Technologies in Agriculture“ planned within the framework of the international project „Integration of Innovative Agrotechnologies into Educational Programs“ (CIF), which will be held on March 27 and 28, 2025 at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University, organized by the Faculty of Agrarian, Natural Sciences and Technologies.
More information here.
PhD Researcher: Data Analytics and AI in Smart Home Technology and Energy Management
Vlerick Business School – Ghent
Do you have a passion for business-relevant research and the ambition to obtain your PhD on the hot topic of creating business value with data analytics and AI? Do you have the right academic background, and are you ready to start this 4-year journey in our open, international and collegial environment? Let’s meet!
More information here.
International Staff Week’25: Experience. Connections. Culture
From the 5th to 9th of May in 2025.
„International Staff Week’25“ is aimed at exchanging best practices about Erasmus+ mobility processes, discussing the past, present and the future of Erasmus+ programme, expanding international contacts and collaborations, and also experiencing Lithuania’s culture.
If you are interested in participating for Staff Training or interested in conducting a lecture or workshop during IW’25, please, fill the application form on the following link: click here. Application is open until the 30th of March 2025.
If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact:
Program hostujícího profesora na Polytechnické univerzitě v Bragançe – výzva 25/26 (1. a 2. semestr)
Polytechnická univerzita v Bragançe (IPB, Portugalsko) sdílí vizi diferenciace podporou internacionalizace, pedagogických inovací a výzkumu založeného na praxi. V rámci posílení svého jedinečného projektu internacionalizace IPB vyhlašuje výzvu 25/26 (1. i 2. semestr) pro přijímání hostujících profesorů za podmínek popsaných v přiloženém dokumentu.
Zájemci z řad profesorů by měli podat svou přihlášku v, do uzávěrky 15/03/2025.
Více informací zde.
Studijní a přednáškové pobyty pro VŠ pedagogy – Mongolsko
Délka pobytu: Maximálně 1 měsíc
Podmínky: Pro realizaci přednášek nebo studijních pobytů.
Přihlášky a více informací zde.
Deadline: 31. leden 2025
“Artificial Intelligence in Education: Critical, Relational, and Ethical Awareness” is the theme we aim to debate and reflect upon in this 9th edition of our conference, INCTE’25. In face-to-face or in virtual format, INCTE’25 remains committed to reflecting on educational realities as well as pursuing its main objectives:
• Examining the curriculum structures in teacher and educator training;
• Debating innovative didactic proposals in teacher education;
• Reflecting on training practices in diverse contexts;
• Analyzing the contribution of education to the dynamism of institutions;
• Promoting dialogue among the various stakeholders in education from a development perspective;
• Discussing training practices in higher education.
We invite all interested parties to participate in INCTE’25 and actively contribute to the discussion and reflection on this highly relevant and current educational topic, as well as other challenges related to teachers‘ education at all levels of education.
The submission of papers takes place in a single phase, with authors allowed to submit a short paper (up to 6 pages) by January 31, 2025 of all levels of Education.
It should be noted that the top 15 papers will be invited to submit an extended version to be published in a special edition of Springer Nature.
For more details, please visit the conference page at
Speciální stipendia
Milí akademici,
přinášíme podrobné informace o stipendijních programech a dalších možnostech studia a stáží v zahraničí pro leden 2025. Níže najdete podrobnosti k jednotlivým nabídkám, včetně odkazů pro registraci.
1. Stipendia Barrande – Francie
Pro koho: Doktorandi (DSP) na výzkumné stáže (1–3 měsíce) nebo doktorská studia cotutelle.
Kam vyjet: Francie.
Obory: Všechny obory.
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 26. ledna 2025.
Více informací a přihláška:
2. Bilaterální spolupráce – stipendia
Řecko – Týdenní pracovní pobyty
Pro koho: Akademičtí pracovníci z českých VŠ.
Kam vyjet: Řecko.
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 10. ledna 2025.
Více informací:
Albánie – Stipendijní pobyty
Pro koho: Studenti BSP, MSP, DSP a akademičtí pracovníci.
Kam vyjet: Albánie.
Délka pobytu: Studenti – až 9 měsíců; akademici – 1 měsíc.
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 31. ledna 2025.
Více informací:
Bulharsko – Stipendijní pobyty
Pro koho: Studenti BSP, MSP, DSP a akademičtí pracovníci.
Kam vyjet: Bulharsko.
Délka pobytu: Studenti – až 2 semestry; akademici – až 3 měsíce.
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 31. ledna 2025.
Více informací:
Rumunsko – Stipendijní pobyty
Pro koho: Studenti BSP, MSP, DSP a akademičtí pracovníci.
Kam vyjet: Rumunsko.
Délka pobytu: Studenti – 2 až 9 měsíců; akademici – 1 měsíc.
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 31. ledna 2025.
Více informací:
Severní Makedonie – Stipendijní pobyty
Pro koho: Studenti BSP, MSP, DSP a akademičtí pracovníci.
Kam vyjet: Severní Makedonie.
Délka pobytu: Studenti – minimálně 2 měsíce; akademici – až 10 dnů.
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 31. ledna 2025.
Více informací:
Slovensko – Stipendijní pobyty
Pro koho: Studenti MSP, DSP a akademičtí pracovníci.
Kam vyjet: Slovensko.
Délka pobytu: Studenti – 3 měsíce až akademický rok; akademici – až 2 týdny.
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 16. února 2025.
Více informací:
Polsko – Stipendijní pobyty
Pro koho: Studenti BSP, MSP, DSP a akademičtí pracovníci.
Kam vyjet: Polsko.
Délka pobytu: Studenti – 2 měsíce až akademický rok; akademici – až 7 měsíců.
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 16. února 2025.
Více informací:
Další nabídky najdete na portálu: nebo na webu OMVI
Dynamics of Internationalization – Staff Week
May 12th to May 16th, 2025.
Bratislava, Slovakia.
The program focuses on „Dynamics of Internationalization“, offering a platform for professional exchange and networking in an inspiring academic environment.
For more information and application click here.
Artificial Intelligence in Erasmus+ Implementation International Week
May 5th to 9th, 2025.
Alanya, Turkish Riviera.
Event Application Deadline: March 31st, 2024, apply here.
Participation Fee: 275 EUR
This fee includes: meals as outlined in the program, excursions and entrance fees, Turkish Folk Evening, beverages/snacks during breaks.
Funding: Participants are responsible for securing Erasmus+ mobility grants or other funding from their home institutions to cover travel and living expenses.
April 7th to 11th, 2025
Campuses of Paris, Bordeaux, and Lyon.
Professors will teach in English to our French 1st-year master’s students (4th year of higher education) in the field of Business : Management / Marketing / Finance.
FINANCIAL SUPPORT: The event itself is free of charge. INSEEC Grande Ecole will compensate all teachers with 1000 euros for the entire week.
The application process must be completed by January 12, 2025:
1.Please fill out this online form.
2.Please send your resume to
For more information click here.
As the world becomes more connected, staff mobility is becoming increasingly important for personal and professional development. Stage Malta provides various opportunities for staff members for international exchange and collaboration, build international networks, broaden horizons, and improve their HEI’s competitiveness. Staff mobility also promotes cultural exchange, tolerance, and understanding.
More information is available here.
33rd NISPAcee Annual Conference
May 22-24, 2025 in Bratislava Slovakia
The topic of the 33rd conference is: Polycrisis and Multi-Level Governance: Impacts, Lessons Learned, Challenges, and Opportunities.
The conference offers many benefits for researchers:
A pre-conference PhD seminar that helps guide early-stage researchers in their activities;
An international base of participants and speakers for networking opportunities within their research areas;
Esteemed chairs who will provide valuable feedback and encourage thought-provoking discussions;
Vibrant social events that foster strong academic and personal connections.
The deadline for submitting the abstract of the report is November 10, 2024.
Please visit the following link to view the conference agenda and detailed information.
For registration, follow the link.
International Staff Week – Caucasus University
March 17-21, 2025 in Tbilisi, Georgia.
The main purpose of this event is to widen and strengthen the cooperation with our partner institutions, to share experiences on internationalization, to facilitate networking and establishment of new partnerships.
CU international staff week is open for Administrative and Academic staff of our Partner Higher Educational Institutions.
During the staff week, participants will have a unique opportunity to explore Georgian culture and history, the language of the staff week is English.
The participation fee is 200 Euro.
In order to register for the International Staff Week program, please kindly fill out the application form by JANUARY 31, 2025.
12th Internetional week –
Teaching will be focused on five areas: Engineering, Business, Logistics, Education and Video Game
Design. Additionally, given its relevance in students’ future careers, a transversal skills session and
a closing masterclass addressed to all the participants will be part of the programme.
If you are interested in participating, complete the following application form (deadline for applying: 1st November 2024).
For more information click here.
Invitation to the Scientific Conference
On behalf of the Organizers of the IX Scientific Conference „Energy Security – Pillars and Development Perspective,“ which will be held on September 9-10, 2024, at the I. Łukasiewicz Rzeszów University of Technology, we have the honor to invite the Academic Staff to apply for participation in the thematic panels of this scientific Conference.
More information is available here.
Save the Date! 2nd International Week of Dokuz Eylül University (İzmir/Türkiye)
We are delighted to present you the myriad opportunities that fall brings to our city and cordially invite you to partake in our esteemed cultural events. We believe you will find great delight in experiencing firsthand how the Mediterranean’s temperate climate permeates our local culture and societal fabric. Undoubtedly, you must be curious as to why our city, often referred to as the pearl of the Aegean, has earned such acclaim globally. During our forthcoming meeting, we aim to elucidate how our city’s geographical location profoundly influences our society. Furthermore, you will witness the convergence of diverse cultures in a city steeped in centuries of history, where our rich cultural heritage is meticulously preserved.
Prepare to behold tangible evidence of our storied past and to feel its intangible essence resonate within you. Allow us to acquaint you with our educational framework, carefully crafted to address the evolving needs of individuals and societies in the 21st century. We recognize the imperative of multiculturalism in nurturing individuals capable of generating innovative ideas, and as such, we place great emphasis on fostering a multicultural environment conducive to the exchange of languages and ideas.
We eagerly anticipate the prospect of further collaboration and the opportunity to welcome you to our esteemed institution. Together, let us embark on a journey of academic excellence and cultural enrichment. The participants will have the opportunity to get to know our university and receive information regarding our exchange programmes and our internalization strategy while they will also have the chance to meet our Departmental Erasmus Coordinators as per their request. We are also planning Faculty / Institution Tours so that our partners can experience the same atmosphere with our valued incoming students. Our programme will include cultural activities such as a visit to Kuşadası (Güvercin ada) – popular with its warm sea, natural and historical beauties followed by a Ephesus Night Tour.
We would be honored if you could join us for this event and experience firsthand the vibrant academic and cultural environment at Dokuz Eylül University. Please let us know your availability by August 15, 2024, by filling out the pre-registration form available here: Pre-registration Form
Thank you for considering this invitation. We hope to welcome you to İzmir and look forward to the possibility of working together to enrich our academic communities.
Please follow the link for more information about Dokuz Eylül University, the International Relations Office and a reel from our 1st International Week.
You can also find our course catalogue here.
DEU 2nd International Week Programme here.
Information bulletin
The latest edition of the Research Centre’s Information bulletin features several exchange offers for staff. More information is available here.
Paragon Global Staff mobility: Training (Malta)
Paragon Global Internships, (PGI) formerly Paragon Europe, is a leading host agency managing successful Internship programmes through various EU mobility projects such as Erasmus Plus, Youth Guarantee, Staff Mobility and National and Regional Operation Projects since 2006, acting primarily as a receiving intermediary organization in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme. We provide tailor-made courses that are eligible for Erasmus+ funding.
Language Programme; Language and Study Visit Programme; Subject Specific Programme; Additional Support Services.
More information is available here.
International Scientific Conference “Post COVID-19 Tourism” – Bulgaria
On behalf of the Tourism Department of the University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria) and the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences we are pleased to invite you to participate in our annual international scientific conference “Post COVID-19 Tourism”.
The conference will be held online on 3-4 October 2024.
The participation at the conferenceis free of charge!
Deadline for submission of Registration Form: 1 September 2024.
Deadline for sending the papers at email: 8 September 2024.
The official language of the conference is English.
All papers will be double-peer reviewed. Participants will receive electronic conference proceedings with ISBN and a certificate of participation.
We invite to participate academics, researchers, professors, students, PhD students, specialists in tourism, geography, economics, and tourism education. The program of the forum will be coordinated by an international scientific committee.
For more information click here.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us on the following email:
2nd International Conference on Public Policies on Longevity
Florida Universitària, in its efforts to contribute to the society around us and to favour certain sectors of the population, participates together with the University of Valencia in the organisation of the second edition of the International Conference on Public Policies on Longevity that will take place in Valencia on the 6th and 7th of November. You can find detailed information about the conference at this link.
Therefore, we invite you to participate in this conference either as researchers, through the presentation of papers, but also as members of one of the panel discussions that will be organised during the conference. If you are interested in participating in a panel discussion, please let us know as soon as possible so that your names can be included in the marketing and communication formats that will be generated. To do so, please send an email to Rosa Roig, director of the conference, at the following address:
Dates: 6th and 7th of November 2024
SpainBcn-Programs in Barcelona
Join us for the „Staff Training Week Courses: English, Spanish, ICT“ in Barcelona, organized by SpainBcn-Programs. Running throughout 2023-2024 under the Erasmus + Program, these courses cater to teachers and staff involved in Staff Training Mobility. Established since 2014, our program not only boosts language skills but also cultivates valuable connections and partnerships with educators globally.
English Courses Dates:
2024: February 19-23 / March 4-8, 18-22 / April 8-12, 22-26 / May 6-10, 13-17, 20-24 / June 3-7, 17-21, 24-28 / July 1-5, 8-12, 15-19, 22-26, 29-Aug.2
Spanish Courses Dates:
2024: March 4-8, 18-22 / April 8-12, 22-26 / May 6-10, 13-17 / June 3-7, 17-21 / July 15-19, 22-26
Course Structure:
5 weekdays (Monday to Friday) = 1 week (20 hours) or 7 days or 10 weekdays (40 hours)
Schedule: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Price: €350, inclusive of the language course, learning materials, and two extracurricular activities.
If you have any inquiries or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at
More information is available here.
Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility Offer – University of Wroclaw (Poland)
The Department of European Studies at the University of Wroclaw is inviting our distinguished Colleagues from the partner Universities to carry out Teaching Mobilities in our unit. We will be very happy to host you and gladly open our door to new opportunities!
Do not hesitate to contact dr. Jakub Bornio, Departmental Erasmus+ Coordinator (, if you require any further questions.
More information is available here.