Seznamte se s Keiko, ambiciózní mladou studentkou z Indonésie, která se po střední škole vydala do Brna na PEFku. Co ji inspirovalo k takovému kroku a jak vypadá její dosavadní cesta? Keiko v rozhovoru mluví o tom, jaké to je adaptovat se do nové kultury, o získání stipendia a odemknutí dveří k novým příležitostem na MENDELU. Přečtěte si celý článek v anglickém jazyce.
Keiko, what motivated you to move to the Czech Republic?
I never imagined I’d study abroad, especially given my family’s financial situation. Traveling to places like Australia or Germany, where many of my friends were going, felt out of reach. Then, one day, I saw a poster in my high school about studying in the Czech Republic. Intrigued, I started researching and discovered affordable living costs and tuition fees at Czech universities. It was a game-changer.
“Brno ranks among Europe’s top 10 student cities and that the Czech Republic is one of the world’s safest countries.”
So, it was the living costs what made you move to Brno?
Affordability wasn’t the only factor. I learned that Brno ranks among Europe’s top 10 student cities and that the Czech Republic is one of the world’s safest countries. Not knowing anyone in Europe, this sense of security was very important to me. After discussing it with my family, who fully supported me, I decided to take the leap. This opportunity was too valuable to pass up.
And after you decided to study in the Czech Republic, how did you choose to study in MENDELU?
At first, I researched all the universities. I discovered Mendel University, which stood out for its strong support of international students. Having never left Indonesia, I knew I’d need a welcoming community and environment, and MENDELU offered exactly that. With over 3,000 international students, it felt like the perfect place. Plus, MENDELU’s economics degree is one of the top programs in the Czech Republic, which sealed my decision.
You studied science in high school, especially chemistry. What made you come to study economics?
My first choice was mathematics; however, I thought that if I focused solely on mathematics, I might struggle. I want to stay in the field of economics because I really enjoy working with numbers and money. I figured that studying economics would be a fun way to combine my interests!
How does your day look like during the school year?
During the school year, my days start with early Czech language classes, followed by lectures at the university. I usually stay in the library afterward to do projects or just review some courses—and sometimes sneak in a nap, haha. Evenings are for dinner and relaxing at the dorm. On weekends, I explore Brno, visit nearby places, or check out local festivals. When I need a break, I get some fresh air or hang out with ‘Mamao,’ a dorm cat I named—he’s great for stress relief!
What does your study here look like?
Here at Mendel University, we don’t just learn theory—we also get hands on experience through projects, which I find really enjoyable. Last semester, I took 12 courses to free up more time for next year, so I was often at the university. Now, with only 6 courses, I have more time to balance my studies with life outside of class. Thanks to the university’s study rooms and computers, I can easily work on my projects on campus.
“MENDELU offers more practical learning opportunities, although there is still a fair amount of theory.”
What do you like about studying at MENDELU?
MENDELU has a modern campus with plenty of facilities, which I find really convenient and comfortable. Compared to other universities, MENDELU offers more practical learning opportunities, although there is still a fair amount of theory. From what I’ve heard from friends at other universities in Brno, they have to write essays every week. Here, I rarely write essays; instead, we focus on projects. For example, we create our own companies and work on real projects, which is a great way to apply what we learn.
Could you share your experience regarding the academic scholarship you received?
I had an ambition to get good grades and hope to get a scholarship. Throughout my studies, I’ve maintained a GPA below 1.5, which meets the scholarship criteria. I was so happy. The title scholarship itself motivated me to maintain my good GPA even though I always had a huge ambition to work hard and produce good work.
Do you plan to go to any other European country for an internship or exchange study?
I’m focusing on finding internships and work experience in the Czech Republic or abroad. In April, I went to Salzburg for a Blended Intensive Program, which was amazing. Salzburg is a beautiful city, and the university professors guided us throughout, allowing us to experience the city through their perspective. The program focused on international sports tourism, and I even visited the Olympic ski jumping stadium and alpine skiing venues, which was incredible.
Let’s go back to your arrival in the Czech Republic. Did you experience any culture shocks?
Definitely, but I’ve gotten used to most of them now. The first thing that surprised me was that people here don’t smile as much. In Indonesia, it’s part of our culture to smile at everyone we pass, even strangers. If you make eye contact with someone, you naturally smile, so I was a bit worried at first when that didn’t happen here.
“My first time using public transportation in Brno was impressive—it works really well and feels very safe, even at night.”
And what about some positive surprises?
One positive culture shock was seeing how honest people are. I was amazed by the self-checkouts in supermarkets and how people use them honestly without underpaying. I realized that honesty is something people here are raised with.
Also, the way of transporting around the city. In Indonesia, I never used public transportation, because it doesn’t work very well, and I usually just used a motorcycle to get around. So, this was my first time using public transportation here in Brno, and it’s impressive—it works really well and feels very safe, even at night.
Is there anything you had to learn to live with that differed from your experience in Indonesia?
The weather here is different. Indonesia has many islands, and I’ve lived on the biggest one my whole life, but I’d never left it until now. When I first arrived here, it was supposed to be spring, but then it started snowing! It was my first time seeing snow, and I was amazed. In Indonesia, it never snows — we only have two seasons: hot and hotter.
What are your favourite places in the Czech Republic and Brno especially?
I actually prefer Brno above anything. One of my favourite spots here is Cathedral of St. Peter and Pau. I also love Brno Dam, especially during the summer! One time, I went to a hidden spot there, and it felt like I had my own private river.
“Czechia is right in the middle of Europe, so it’s super easy to travel around.”
What are your plans now?
My main focus right now is my studies, as I’m in the fourth semester of my bachelor’s degree. I love Brno and the Czech Republic and hope to build a career here. I’m open to exploring opportunities across Europe to gain experience. I aim to stay in Brno, improve my language skills, and explore more of Europe while balancing my academic and career aspirations.
At the end of our interview, is there anything you would recommend to international students considering studying in the Czech Republic?
I’d recommend coming to Brno—it’s such a lively, student-centered city! Czechia is right in the middle of Europe, so it’s super easy to travel around. MENDELU is a great choice because it focuses a lot on practical skills, meaning less time spent buried in books and more time to explore your skills and build expertise you can use in the real world. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to dive into Czech culture, enjoy the beautiful nature, and check out some amazing historical cities while studying here!
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