Czechia Alumni

3. 8. 2023

It has been some time since we saw each other at the Student and Alumni Meetup, and as promised, we are providing you with some details about the primary motive behind the event: The Czechia Alumni programme – a national initiative spearheaded by the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS). 

Whether you are a current international student or an alumnus/alumna of a Czech university who has completed long or short-term studies, you can benefit from our national alumni programme. Your connection with your alma mater and Czechia need not end when you graduate or return home from your study exchange.  

Why join us, you ask? By becoming a member, you can make the most of your experience and connect with a community that opens doors. Participate in our events around the world, listen to and share tips, experiences and achievements with others. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the loop about relevant news from Czechia Alumni. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to join our community and become a member! 

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