Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, is currently planning 5 Blended Intensive Programmes for students and 3 Blended Intensive Programmes for staff.
We are searching for partners and participants for the following programs for students:
- Architectures, Resources, Evaluation and Implications of Generative AI – 10 – 17 September 2023
- Techniques and Methods of Intervention in Case of Emergency Situations and First Aid Provision (for students) – 11 – 15 September 2023
- Promoting Inclusion Based on Diversity – 20 – 27 October 2023
- We are searching for partners and participants for the following programs for staff:
- Personal development and intercultural harmonization – 3 – 7 July 2023
- Techniques and Methods of Intervention in Case of Emergency Situations and First Aid Provision (for staff) – 11 – 15 September 2023
- University Libraries in a Digital World –18 – 22 September 2023
We would like to organize the above mentioned blended intensive programmes for 20 participants in partnership with 2-5 international universities. You can find attached a short description of each of these programmes.
You can also find bellow the main characteristics of the Blended Intensive Programmes:
- They must be developed and implemented by at least 3 higher education institutions holding an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, coming from at least 3 Programme Countries;
- Include a period of minimum 5 days – maximum 30 days of activity in physical format at one of the organizing universities, completed with online activity;
- Participants in these programs can be students enrolled in a higher education institution, as well as staff from universities;
- The minimum number of participants in a mixed intensive program is 15 (not including the teaching / training staff involved in the implementation of the program and the students from the host university) in order for the program to be eligible for funding;
- Both the organisation of intensive programmes and the participation of learners are financed from Erasmus+ funds. The individual support to students and teaching staff for the short-term physical mobility should be provided by the sending institution, that can use its own regular Erasmus funds for mobility.
- Blended intensive programmes have to award at least 3 ECTS credits for students.
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