IRO is announcing the internship selection process under the Erasmus+ program, bilateral agreements, or Erasmus+ credit mobility.
Applications can be submitted until March 31, with the earliest possible start date for the internship being May 1, 2025.

See MENDELU IRO website for full information.

Participation conditions

  1. The length of the study period ranges from 2 (60 days) to 12 months (360 days).
  2. Internship in the country of residence is not possible.
  3. Internship in the country of the student’s origin has the lowest priority and and is given the status of a zero grant student, i.e. is not entitled to receive financial aid.
  4. The application must be submitted at least 2 months before the internship!
  5. Student has to be enrolled in an accredited Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral study programme.
  6. Student has to be chosen in an officially announced selection procedure.
  1. The content of the internship must be appropriate to the field of study and must be always arranged as full-time employment.
  2. Repeated students mobility: each student may participate in a study period and/or internship repeatedly in each study cycle up to the total length of 12 months.
  3. Work placements are set up by students THEMSELVES (check the offers below and in the News).
  4. EU institutions and other EU organs or organisations administering EU programmes are not authorised.


The application can be submitted during the year, at least 2 months before the internship!
  • Application in UIS (e-Agenda/ Contact centre/ Searching for solution/ 104_Z: Application to Traineeship) – as a Query subject write the full name of the company.
  • Letter of Acceptance (official confirmation from the company/institution about your traineeship).
  • Language knowledge – the student can receive extra points for a language certificate (level B2 or higher)

Students are required to pass a written language exam and interview. Students will receive an e-mail with details from MENDELU IRO. If a student has passed a language exam, the results can be recognized upon the request of the student (the exam cannot be older than 3 years).

Applications are first evaluated at the faculty level. Subsequently, they are handed over to the OMVI rector’s office, where an evaluation will take place at the university-wide level. The selected student will receive a scholarship from MENDELU.


For every month (30 days) a student receives 4 ECTS.

  • After successful completion of the internship, the work placement can be recognised as a compulsory course within your study plan Practical Training (PRX). The rest of the ECTS will be recognised as an elective course (EXA-UP0x).
  • In case a student has already passed the compulsory course Practical Training, the work placement will be recognised as an elective course (EXA-UP0x) with the full amount of ECTS.
  • FBE students can enrol in to course International Experience (EXA-INEX) for 4 ECTS. A student has to enrol the course by himself and ask the supervisor for the topic of the written seminar.

PhD students

  • A responsible person Sending institution is vice-dean prof. Ing. Petr David, Ph.D. – must be changed in the Traineeship Agreement form.
  • If the student has an International Activities subject (EDC-MA) in his/her study plan, he/she will check the first option when filling out the TA in Table B and will receive 10 ECTS. Otherwise, he will not receive any credit and will check the second option – voluntary for 0 ECTS.
  • For Ph.D. There are other scholarship offers for PEF MENDELU students.
Repeated mobilities
If the student has already traveled for an internship within the study cycle in the past, he/she will not be supported by a scholarship from IRO. However, student can apply for financial resources through the EDUCA consortium, which will support internships for a maximum of 4 months. It is necessary to fulfill the administrative requirements similarly to Erasmus+ (Checklists, documents, etc.):
  1. The student submits an application at UIS in the Contact Center.
  2. OMVI forwards the application for an internship to the faculty and arranges a language test with the student.
  3. Once approved by the faculty, IRO will send the student an application form and a Learning AgreementTraineeship to fill out (from EDUCA).
  4. After filling in, IRO will confirm both documents, and they will be confirmed by the faculty.
  5. IRO will send both completed and confirmed documents to EDUCA.
  6. The student further communicates and does everything according to the instructions of EDUCA.
The student will have a Checklist created, in which he/she will upload all documents with a note of internship via EDUCA. It does not complete the EU Survey or the final report. The EDUCA insurance does not cover everything, so it is recommended that the student take the basic EDUCA Educa insurance and also take out the MENDELU insurance, which has higher coverage.

Graduate internship

  • The work placement can take place within 12 months after graduation.
  • Student becomes graduate on the day of successfully passing the state examination – the work placement must start and end within exactly one year starting from this day.
  • Financial support is given only for 2 months.
  • Participant must successfully pass the selection procedure BEFORE his/her graduation, i.e. before the date of state examination.
  • Student cannot continue with further studies afterwards.
  • Info meeting – obligatory for outgoing students – organised by Rectorate (IRO).
  • Euro account – add EUR bank account number to UIS (Student Portal / Study financing and scholarships/ Bank accounts).
  • Traineeship Agreement – fill in and submit an internship agreement to the faculty IRO (with an original student’s signature!). Recommended steps: filled TA send to the faculty coordinator for revision, let is sign by the receiving company and bring the signed document to the faculty IRO (students original signature is required). After the faculty coordinator arranges the vice dean’s signature. Based on this document (three-part signature) the exchange mobility will be put into the UIS. PhD students – a responsible person Sending institution is vice-dean prof. Ing. Petr David, Ph.D. (change it in TA form!).
  • Travel proposal – apply through UIS. Specify the mobility as 99|Erasmus – Praktická stáž. Based on this proposal will be arranged the travel insurance for the entire duration of the stay valid for one year (the student is obliged to have university insurance). After approval, pay online in section Study Financing – MENDELU IRO website.
  • OLS online language support – complete the language exam before departure:
  • Checklist – upload all required documents – Traineeship Agreement, Letter of Acceptance, proof of insurance payment and OLS result into UIS application (Student Portal / My College abroad).
  • Grant Agreement – upon completion of all previous steps make an appointment at Rectorate (IRO) ( and arrange signature of Grant agreement at the latest 2 weeks prior to the planned departure..
  • Enrol yourself for the semester. In case you do not have other subject enrolled, you have to contact your study officer. ATTENTION! Make sure you fulfil the condition of 40 ECTS in two following semesters or 12 ECTS in 1st semester.

  • Changes to TA – in case there are changes to the originally approved Traineeship Agreement (in the content or the person of the coordinator), they must be approved and signed by the sending institution and by the receiving organization.
  • Extension of the internship – possible only upon agreement with the sending institution and receiving organization. The Application for Extension confirmed by representatives of the sending institution and receiving organization must be delivered to the Rectorate (IRO) no later than 1 month before the original end of the internship – as stated in the Grant Agreement.
  • Reduction of the traineeship period – it is possible upon agreement of the trainee with the sending institution and if longer than 5 days in comparison with the originally approved duration, an Amendment to the Grant Agreement is concluded and as the case may be, the grant is proportionately reduced. The minimum duration of 60 days must be maintained.
  • Traineeship Certificate – deliver to faculty IRO (ORIGINAL confirmed by the traineeship provider no earlier than a week before the termination) within 14 days of the end of the traineeship.
  • EU Survey – submit by e-mail.
  • Reports about the abroad placements – submit in UIS within 30 days.
  • OLS online language support – optional.
  • Checklist – upload all required documents to UIS (Changes to Traineeship Agreement, OLS results, EU-Survey and Traineeship Certificate).

NOT fulfilling any of the conditions of Erasmus+ Internship, the proportional part or all of the Grant must be refunded by the student.

Internship offers

  1. TRANSLIT internship position for students enrolled in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses – more information here.
  2. WrocławTech is seeking a highly motivated intern for the International Relations Office – more information here.
  3. Czech sales internship in Malaga – more information here.
  4. Internship possibilities at International Relations Office of Alanya HEP – more information here.
  1. e.g. Alfa Agency (paid service, arranges traineeship).
  2. THM Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen offers internships for our students in their partner companies. Contact Cornelia Fritzsch – More information about the school here and the programme here.
  3. Spain Intern More information here.
  4. Erasmus Intern more information here
  5. Paragon Global Internship in Malta – more information here.


Internships, Staff Mobilities, International Week
Office: Q1.92
Administration of students’ mobilities Erasmus+
Office: X1.03a