See MENDELU IRO website for full information. Within bilateral agreements, students can go on study stays or internships in non-European countries (or countries that are not Erasmus+ program countries).

Participation conditions

  1. The length of the study period ranges from 3 (90 days) to 12 months (360 days).
  2. Student has to be enrolled in an accredited Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral study programme.
  3. Student has to be chosen in an officially announced selection procedure.
  1. Student must complete at least 3 specialized subjects; the doctoral student must complete at least 1 specialized subject and prove his/her work on the dissertation (or according to an agreement with his/her tutor).
  2. Repeated students mobility: each student may participate in a study period and/or traineeship repeatedly in each study cycle up to the total length of 12 months. The time spent on travel is not included.


The selection procedure is announced via e-mail to all university students.

  • Filling out the electronic application through the UIS application (Student portal → My studies – My studies abroad – Submitting an application for an exchange stay)
  • Learning Agreement Proposal – proposal of subjects studied during the exchange for each university,
  • Language knowledge – the student can receive extra points for a language certificate (level B2 or higher)

Students are required to pass a written language exam and interview. Students will receive an e-mail with details from MENDELU IRO.. If a student has passed a language exam, the results can be recognized upon the request of the student (the exam cannot be older than 1 year).

Applications are first evaluated at the faculty level. Subsequently, they are handed over to the OMVI rector’s office, where an evaluation will take place at the university-wide level. The results will be announced in UIS. The selected student will receive a scholarship from MENDELU (20.000 CZK per month).

Specialization “Foreign mobility”

  • for IT fields: to fulfil the specialization, it is necessary to complete 4 professional courses studied at a Foreign university that are related to the field of study (you need to consult them with the officer in the foreign department in advance and have them approved by the vice-dean for education). There is no limit on the minimum number of credits, but if the number is less than 20 ECTS, it is necessary to supplement the credits through optional courses within the overall study plan at MENDELU.
  • for economic fields: to fulfil the specialization, it is necessary to complete any 3 courses studied at a Foreign university (language and other cultural courses are also counted), with any number of credits.

Students are responsible for administration required by the partner university.

  • Letter of acceptance – provided by the partner university, with dates of study stay. Submit to FBE IRO (based on Letter of Acceptance, the mobility is added to UIS).
  • Learning agreement – fill in Learning Agreement based on the previous Proposal and submit to FBE IRO (with an original student’s signature!). After approval, send to the partner university and upload LA signed by all 3 parties to Checklist in UIS.
  • CZK account – add CZK bank account number to UIS (Study financing and scholarships / Bank accounts).
  • Travel proposal – apply through UIS. Specify the mobility as 69|jiná forma krátkodobého výjezduStudijní pobyt. Based on this proposal will be arranged travel insurance for the entire duration of the stay valid for one year (the student is obliged to have university insurance). After approval, insurance must be paid in UIS/Study Financing.
  • Checklist – upload all required documents – Learning Agreement, Letter of Acceptance and proof of insurance payment into UIS application (Student Portal / My College abroad).
  • Grant agreement – upon completion of all previous steps make an appointment at Rectorate (IRO) ( and arrange signature of Grant agreement at the latest 2 weeks prior to the planned departure.

Enrol yourself for the semester. In case you do not have other subject enrolled, you have to contact your study officer. ATTENTION! Make sure you fulfil the condition of 40 ECTS in two following semesters or 12 ECTS in 1st semester.

  • Changes to LA – in case there are changes to the originally approved Learning Agreement (in the content or the person of the coordinator), they must be approved in writing by the sending institution as well as by the receiving organization.
  • Final report – submit in UIS within 30 days.
  • Confirmation of Study period – submit the original document to MENDELU IRO and upload to the checklist within 7 days after the end of study stay.
  • Transcript of records (ToR) – submit to faculty IRO (original).
  • Checklist – upload all required documents to UIS (Changes to Learning Agreement, Transcript of Record and Confirmation of Study period).

NOT fulfilling any of the conditions of Bilateral agreement Internship, the proportional part or all of the Grant must be refunded by the student.
