Students of the Faculty of Business Economics complete their studies by successfully passing the State Examination. Its mandatory part is the defense of either a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis. To be admitted to sit the State Examination it is required to fulfil all obligations listed in the study plan of the programme. It is also obligatory to accomplish at least 180 credits in a bachelor’s degree or at least 120 credits in the follow-up master’s degree.

All State Exams consist of a final thesis defense and a subsequent professional debate on the required subjects. The debated areas of the subjects are defined by thematic units, which are based on selected compulsory subjects of the study programme.

The State Exam is to prove student’s ability to use their acquired knowledge in a wider, especially in the context of their final thesis. The Exam, therefore, does not only verify theoretical enumeration of facts but good understanding of contexts, applications and consequences. It is therefore very important to pay special attention to thematic units in the UIS. Try to understand the units in a professional context of your professional focus.

In the final semester, students register the subject State Bachelor’s Exam or State Master’s Exam. In the course of the semester and in compliance with the Faculty Schedule, students are required to apply for the Exam.

In case a student fails to successfully fulfil all requirements for admission to the State Exam, their application will be cancelled. These requirements can be fulfilled in the following semester and the process is to be repeated. If a student fails the State Exam (either/both the defence of a thesis or  the professional debate are classified as unsatisfactory), the state exam can take place in the remedial period of the following semester (only the failed part).

State exams are held twice a year, in January and June. Students who fail state exams can register for a remedial state exam either in September or in other announced terms.

Examination takes place according to the given schedule of State Exams. The Exams start at 8:00 AM and 12:00 noon. There’s an hour lunch break between 11:00 AM and 12:00 noon. Each student can find a composition of their commission and the detailed schedule at UIS no later than 7 days prior to their State Exam.

Students sitting state exams at the faculty do not provide refreshments or “gifts” to the examination commission. Refreshments will be provided by the faculty so that you can fully concentrate on your preparation for the exam.

More information can be found in the application form for the State Exam or under their study programme (see The Programme Control in Student Portal).

CODeProgrammeBAchelor’s state exam
B-EAMAEconomics and ManagementDefence of the bachelor’s thesis
Management and Marketing
N-EAMAEconomics and ManagementDefence of the master’s thesis
Economics and Business Economics
N-OIAOpen InformaticsDefence of the master’s thesis
Management of software and services development