The research focus of the faculty can be grouped into five basic areas

  • Currently, emphasis is put on the interdisciplinary nature of research. interdisciplinary research
  • Research teams research teams connecting individual branch-oriented institutes were created. co-working departments

Bioeconomic modelling

Team leader: doc. Ing. Mgr. Jitka Janová, Ph.D.

The research team has wide experience with application of statistical methods and optimization techniques in various areas. Namely, agriculture and forest management models were employed based on real data. Expert decision support systems were created, validated and verified. Problems about planning and evaluating of experiments (field trials, laboratory, animal, and engineering) are solved routinely as well as variance component models and nonlinear models. Modelling of economic systems, including productivity, efficiency and sustainability topics was provided. Risk analyses oriented on enterprise performance and credit risks were carried out. Beside this, theoretical findings in experimental design and robust normality testing were achieved. 

See the profile of research team here.

SMART SOCIETY: Socioeconomic think-tank

Team leader: doc. PhDr. Martina Rašticová, Ph.D.

The research team is engaged in the research of 3 sub-areas – socio-economic, consumer behaviour and management choice. The socio-economic area focuses on human capital and social phenomena in connection with global trends in modern society such as retirement, aging, demographic changes and gender factors. Part of the research also involves ethical values and academic integrity. Research of consumer behaviour focuses on consumer preferences in the context of the living standard. This area of research includes a hierarchy of values, income situation, structure of expenses and way of satisfying needs. The last area entitled “management choice” focuses on the impact of the process of integration, globalisation and development of the agricultural-food sector as part of the new conditions of the European integrated market.

See the profile of research team here or visit the Team’s website

Spatial Hub

Team leader: Ing. David Procházka, Ph.D.

Jsme interdisciplinární tým zaměřený primárně na analýzu chování lidí.

We are an interdisciplinary team focused primarily on the analysis of people’s behaviour. Our projects are diverse. We analyze the impact of environmental changes on society; we design user interfaces as well as location services. We focus on innovative interfaces such as augmented and virtual reality, smart environments and wearables.

The purpose of our work is to get people right information at the right time.

See the profile of research team here or at Spatial Hub.


Team leader: doc. Ing. Svatopluk Kapounek, Ph.D.

Policy and uncertainty modelling including decision-making processes employing Frequentist and Bayesian frameworks with particular attention to:

financial system vulnerability, regulation and monetary institutions, firm access to finance, firm-bank relationships, performance and risks, and financial asset pricing and forecasting, portfolio optimization.

See the profile of the research team here.

Consumer Lab

Team leader: Ing. Lucie Veselá, PhD.

The research team’s primary focus is on examining the shifts in the underlying factors influencing consumer behavior, with a particular emphasis on the phenomenon of sustainable consumption. The team quantifies the influence of current and emerging factors determining consumer segmentation due to structural changes in society and identifies how income levels affect consumer behavior across different social groups. The research encompasses the life attitudes and preferences of diverse generational groups that facilitate shifts in behavioral patterns towards sustainable consumption, particularly in the food management of Czech households. Additionally, the research explores consumer perceptions of marketing communication tools utilizing neuroscience technologies such as EEG, and the significance of sensory inputs in consumer decision-making processes within the context of the trend towards online communication.

For more information about the research click here or here.