The selection procedure is announced via e-mail to all university staff and must be completed electronicaly in Verso. Instructions how to fill in can be found here.

We would like to invite you to our regular International Week, held once or twice per year. This event is a great opportunity not to only meet with our academicians, but also to do some networking with other participants from different universities. Please visit the International Week website.

Mendel University offers various opportunities for international hosts under individual Inter-Institutional agreements. The Erasmus+ programme is open both to academic and administrative staff (teaching and training). The required minimum teaching hours for an academic placement is set at 8 hours on an average of 5 days a week for 1 person, depending on specific conditions set by the Inter-Institutional agreement between both institutions.

To ensure your teaching/training experience is successful, please send to the contact person the following:

  • CV
  • Description of your function at your home university
  • Training programme: your areas of interest, desired activities
  • Possible dates for your stay

Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE) at Mendel University in Brno was established in 1959 and is the oldest business school in Moravia. More information about our faculty or places where to stay over night can be found here.

News of the International Relations Office


Office: Q1.92
Internships, Staff Mobilities, International Week