Join Us at the 2nd SABEM Conference in London!

23. 8. 2024

We are delighted to invite you to the 2nd Scientific Approach to Business, Economics, and Management (SABEM) Conference, taking place in London, UK, on 22-23 November 2024. This year’s conference offers a hybrid format, therefore allowing you to participate either in person or online.

Key Highlights & Opportunities of the 2nd SABEM Conference

Publication Prospects

We offer extensive publication opportunities in SSCI/ESCI/Scopus-indexed journals. After you submit your paper, we create more publication opportunities based on your field. Currently, we added the Gender Issues Journal (ESCI, SCOPUS) to the publication opportunities. Any field that includes gender aspect fits the journal.  Also, we will add more journals to the publication opportunities. Additionally, based on submitted papers, we contact to journals for further opportunities. 

Proceedings Publication

Based on the authors’ requests, the full papers will be published in the conference proceedings book that has ISBN, ISSN and DOI numbers. 

Engaging Seminars and Future Announcements

Furthermore, we are excited to announce upcoming seminar programs that will complement the conference theme, promising an intellectually stimulating experience. 

Reserve Your Spot for 2nd SABEM Conference

Also, we will announce many opportunities in the upcoming months. Therefore, we strongly recommend reserving your seat at the 2nd SABEM Conference. Seats are limited. Don’t miss out on this exciting event that promises both professional growth and networking opportunities.

Registration information

For any enquiries or to secure an early registration opportunity, please feel free to contact us at

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