is a university exchange programme, supporting cooperation between universities primarily in the Central European region within university networks. Cooperation within the programme contributes to European integration. The international agreement CEEPUS II was an update and extension of the programme until 2009. The programme was further extended by CEEPUS III agreement, valid since 1st May 2011. Student and teacher mobilities are funded through the CEEPUS programme, where the student or teacher obtains a grant from the host university according to the amount determined by the National Agency of the host country. For more information about amounts of the grant go to www.ceepus.info and open information concerning the target country.

MENDELU pays the travel there and back to their students and teachers in accordance with rules set by the Czech National Agency. After the return from their mobility, students or teachers must provide travel tickets and CEEPUS conformation from the host institution to the responsible person at DIRI.

CEEPUS enables student and teacher mobility in the following countries:

Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo.


  • CIII-SK-0044-18-2324 Applied Economics and Management
  • CIII-SI-0215-17-2324 International CEEPUS Network of Administration, Economics and Organizational Sciences
  • BG-1103-00-2526 Modelling, Simulation and Computer-aided Design in Engineering and Management

Basic information

  • The programme is intended for regular fulltime students who have finished the 2nd semester of their study, for postgraduate students and university teachers.
  • The programme may be joined within university networks or individually (as a freemover); however, mobility within networks is preferred.
  • Citizenship of a CEEPUS member country or Equal Status (you are not allowed to apply for study in the country of your citizenship).
  • The scholarship is not provided for research except for the purposes of final year dissertations and doctoral theses; the scholarship may also cover practical training.
  •  Long term students – 3 to 4 months (according to host university’s requirements)
  • Short term students – 1 to 2 months
Deadlines for applications: 

By 15th June for the winter semester
By 31st October for the summer semester
By 30th November for FREEMOVERS

Application form: you apply online after registering at www.ceepus.info

More information: go to www.dzs.cz or www.ceepus.info, CEEPUS Handbook


Administrative part of the CEEPUS programme at Mendel University in Brno is organized by the Rectorate International Relations Office.

Foreign relations officer – International Relations Office
Office: X1.03a
Office: X1.03a