On this page you will find detailed instructions on how to proceed while filling out written or electronic requests and forms.

If you cannot attend the assigned date of your enrollment, you can ask for a new date. The request must have the paper form. Please fill this request, print it, sign and handle it to the Study department (bring it in person or send by post).

A student of FBE MENDELU student can apply through Contact centre: Personal Administration → Student’s portal → Contact Centre → Searching for solution → 000_Z: General request

The Study and examination regulations of Mendel University unfortunately does not allow the possibility of an extraordinary (fourth) date of the exam. In case you submit this request, it will not be able to be granted.

The Study and examination regulations of Mendel University in Brno does not allow the possibility of re-taking part of studies. In case you submit this request, it will not be able to be granted.

Reasons to interrupt studies:

  • Conditions for the enrolment to the next semester are fulfilled (you are at the turn between semesters)
  • You represent the Czech Republic in sports and or you devote time to the preparation for a representative sports event. However you must provide a confirmation issued by a sports organization that represents your sport in the Czech Republic.Pregnancy, childbirth or parental care. You have a right to interrupt studies for the entire recognized period. More info here.
  • Serious health condition, the request is substantiated by a medical confirmation.
  • Other reasons, the request must be duly substantiated.

The longest total period of interruption of study cannot exceed the half of total degree period (up to one year and a half within bachelor degree, up to one year at a master degree). The time of interruption of study does not count towards the maximum period of study.

The student does not have student status during the interruption. Once enrolled to study, which must be done within 7 calendar days after the end of the study interruption, you have a student status again. You can apply for another interruption. If you do not do so, the studies will be terminated.

The request must be submitted in paper. Fill the request 005_Z in Contact Center, submit it, print it out, sign it and handle it to the Study department (in person, by data box or by post).

The request can be found: Personal Administration → Student’s portal → Contact Centre → Searching for solution → 005_Z: Request for interruption of studies

Other requests regarding study interruption:

Please contact the Study Department for more information.

The application must be submitted when enrolling on the first semester of study, and no later than the beginning of the teaching part of the given semester.

Have you been studying elsewhere and wish to transfer credits? Submit your request in writing. Fill in the form 009_Z in the Contact Center, submit, print, sign and handle to the Study Department within 7 calendar days (in person, via data box or by post).

According to the Rector’s Regulation 04/2024 “Úhrada věcných nákladů za poskytnuté služby”, the recognition of subjects from another university is subject to a fee. The price for one assessed subject is CZK 250. After applying, the student will be prescribed a payment in the UIS (Financing). The application will be considered only after payment of the prescribed fee. To speed up the process, we recommend online payment by credit card.

The request can be found: Personal Administration → Student’s portal → Contact Centre → Searching for solution → 009_Z: Request for credit transfer

Supporting material should include certified syllabi from previous institution and certified Confirmation of previous studies.

If you find yourself in such situation, where you are not able to continue your studies, then fill out declaration 010_O in the Contact centre, submit it , print it out, sign it and deliver it to the study department within 7 calendar days (in person, by data box or by post).

The request can be found: Personal Administration → Student’s portal → Contact Centre → Searching for solution → 010_O: Declaration on dropping out of my studies.

The day the university receives this declaration will be considered as the day of leaving the studies.

To change the form of study, you must first find out whether your preferred form has been carried out in the period in which you started studying. If so, it is possible to request a change 034_Z in the Contact Center and submit it electronically in UIS.

The request can be found: Personal Administration → Student’s portal → Contact Centre → Searching for solution → 034_Z: Request for a change of the study form.

You can submit this request from following reasons:

  • In the matriculation examination, you have achieved grade “good” or better at least in one of the following subjects Mathematics, Physics or Informatics and computer technology and you are applying to computer science oriented bachelor study program.
  • You have achieved at least percentile 60 in the SCIO’s General study prerequisites.
  • You have graduated from a college in a field related to the study program you are applying for.
  • You have achieved other demonstrable exceptional professional success. 

All reasons above must have occurred less than 3 years ago.

An applicant applying from a high school or from college, from other faculty MENDELU or from other university submits the application in writing. Fill out this form, print it out, sign it out and deliver it to the study department (in person, by data box or by post).

An applicant applying from PEF submits the application electronically. Fill out the request 140_Z in the Contact centre and submit it to the UIS.

The request can be found: Personal administration Contact centre Searching for solution 140_Z: Request for an exception from the rule to carry out the admission exam

You can submit this request from following reasons:

  • Abroad study stay, practice or internship that lasted longer than 30 days and which you completed during your previous studies at PEF.
  • You can also be exempted from the entrance exam on the basis of your academic average on the bachelor’s degree completed at PEF.
  • You have achieved other demonstrable exceptional professional success. 

The first two reasons under the condition that you apply to follow-up master’s study program in the Czech language, which follows on from a bachelor’s study program that you are studying or have successfully completed in less than three years ago at the faculty.

An applicant applying from another MENDELU faculty or another university submits the application, print it out, sign it and deliver it to the study department (in person, by data box or by post).

An applicant applying from PEF submits the application electronically. Fill out the request 140_Z in the Contact centre and submit it to the UIS.

The request can be found: Personal administration → Contact centre → Searching for solution → 140_Z: Request for an exception from the rule to carry out the admission exam

Always submit the request only when all attempts at the exams have been used, respectively when you are 100 % sure that you will not obtain 15 credits.

Submit the request 030_Z electronically in the Contact centre.

The request can be found: Personal administration → Contact centre → Searching for solution → 030_Z: Request for an exception to be enrolled without 15 ECTS credits

What to include in the request?

In the justification include all the reasons independent of your behaviour and decision-making that led to the situation. Be specific and precise.

Do not forget to attach the necessary documents as an attachment.

Always submit the request only when all attempts at the exams have been used, respectively when you are 100 % sure that you will not obtain 40 credits.

Submit the request 031_Z electronically in the Contact centre.

The request can be found: Personal administration → Contact centre → Searching for solution → 031_Z: Request for an exception to be enrolled without 40 ECTS credits

What to include in the request?

In the justification include all the reasons independent of your behaviour and decision-making that led to the situation. Be specific and precise.

As an attachment do not forget to attach the necessary documents, if you can support your reasoning with them.

You can register each subject a maximum of twice. That means, in case you do not finish the subject successfully for the first time, there is nothing stopping you from enrolling it again. But if you do not succeed a second time, you have to request to cancel the registration of the subject in order to be able to register it a third time.

For example:

You were not able to successfully finish course XY. So, you enrolled it again in the following semester, but you do not succeed even this time. Therefore you must request to cancel the registration of the subject. If you are granted, then you can enrol the course for the third time. In case you are not granted, your studies will be terminated for the failure to meet the requirements arising from the MENDELU Study and examination regulations.

Submit the request 032_Z electronically in the Contact centre.

The request can be found: Personal administration → Contact centre → Searching for solution → 032_Z: Request to cancel the course(s) from the enrolment

What to include in the request?

The reasoning should include all reasons independent of your behaviour and decision-making, which led to the situation. Be specific and precise.

As an attachment do not forget to attach the necessary documents, if you can support your reasoning with them.

You can request a commission examination in case you still have at least one attempt at the exam and you feel that the assessment was biased against you. In the same way, your teacher can request a commission examination.

The commission examination takes place orally in front of the members of a three-member commission set up by the dean, in order to give as objective evaluation as possible.

Submit the request 035_Z electronically in the Contact centre.

The request can be found: Personal administration Contact centre Searching for solution 035_Z: Request to carry out the exam in the form of the board exam

What to include in the request?

In the justification describe the situation and the reasons which led you to assume that the evaluation was not objective from the teacher’s side. Be as specific as possible.

As an attachment do not forget to attach the necessary documents, if you can support your reasoning with them.

If you want to change your supervisor of the final thesis from any objective reason, then you can apply for it.

Submit the request 072_Z electronically in the Contact centre.

The request can be found: Personal administration → Contact centre → Searching for solution → 072_Z: Request to change my thesis supervisor

What to include in the request?

You must always state the department, in which you would like to write your final thesis. You can also indicate your preferred new thesis supervisor. In the justification describe the situation which led you to require a change of thesis supervisor. Be as specific as possible.

If you want to change your specialization or study focus, then you can do so in exceptional and justified cases at any time during your studies. But be aware that you have to successfully complete all subjects from the newly chosen specialization.

You can also request an earlier specialization assignment in case you had a larger number of subjects recognized after enrolling in your studies.

Submit the request 073_Z electronically in the Contact centre.

The request can be found: Personal administration → Contact centre → Searching for solution → 073_Z: Request to assign/change a specialisation/scope of my studies

What to include in the request?

State which specialization or study focus do you request, but first make sure that this specialization or this study focus is intended for your study program. There is no need to justify the request.

In case you do not have enough of registration coupons, then you submit a request 033_Z in the Contact centre.

The request can be found: Personal administration → Contact centre → Searching for solution → 033_Z: Request to increase the number of registration vouchers

If you would like to have your thesis printed by your faculty, you submit the request 036_Z in the Contact centre.

In the request click on “place an order to print the final thesis”. The link will redirect you to the relevant order. You have to pay by card. In the application, tick the box that you have properly submitted the final thesis to UIS and that you have ordered and paid for its printing. You do not attach the final thesis to the application again.

FBE will arrange the printing of two bound, full colour, double-sided final thesis for you. 

The request can be found: Personal administration → Contact centre → Searching for solution → 036_Z: Request to print the final thesis

If you do not agree with the decision of the faculty or dean, or you discovered procedural misconduct by the faculty in your case, you can appeal against it or it’s part within the time limit specified in the “instructions” section of the given decision.

The appeal is submitted in writing. Fill out form 180_O in the Contact centre, hand it in, print it out, sign it, and deliver it to the study department (in person, by data box or by post).

The form can be found: Personal administration → Contact centre → Searching for solution → 180_O: Appeal a Dean’s decision

What to include in the appeal?

In the appeal fill in the information about the decision against which you are appealing. In the justification describe the situation and the objective reasons on which you are appealing. Be as specific as possible.

As an attachment do not forget to attach the necessary documents that support your appeal.

General request

In case you need to solve a different matter, then always submit a general request in the Contact centre.

The request can be found: Personal administration Contact centre Searching for solution 000_Z: General request

You can find all communication and decisions in the UIS in the “documents” storage.

In case of any ambiguity contact your study advisor or your study officer.