Besides from traditional national grant schemes such as GACR and TACR, our researchers are also involved either in operational programs such as The Johannes Amos Comenius Programme (OP JAC) and OP Technologies and Application for Competitiveness (OP TAC) and in international projects. COST and Erasmus+ or International Visegrad Fund projects are currently being addressed. In the past, researchers were involved in the European Commission’s Horizon 2020, 7th Framework Program, COST, Erasmus +, EEA and Norwegian Funds and Visegrad Fund programs. The contract research of the faculty corresponds to the National Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization of the Czech Republic (RIS3 strategy) and is carried out mainly in the areas of Moravia and neighboring regions.
List of selected projects
International projects
NAME | Researcher | Programme | period |
Geopolitical position of Ukraine in the European integration in V4 context | Lubor Lacina | Visegrad Strategic Grants | 2025-2026 |
Experience sharing of V4 against the shadow economy, corruption and tax avoidance in Ukraine | Veronika Solilová | Visegrad Grants | 2024-2025 |
V4 Agricultural Land Protection | Radek Jurčík | Visegrad Grants | 2024-2025 |
How Generation Z perceives access to education and capacity in the V4 region | Ondřej Pavelek | Visegrad Grants | 2024-2025 |
Migration policies, AI tools and the identification of migrant victims of disasters | Robert Stojanov | COST ACTION | 2023-2027 |
Climate Change Impacts on Population Dynamics in the Mediterranean | Robert Stojanov | COST ACTION | 2023-2027 |
The application of Mendez principles in Czech legal practice | Ondřej Pavelek | COST ACTION | 2023-2027 |
Enhancing Digital and Soft Skills for Ageing Workforce (Acronym: EDSAW) | Ondřej Pavelek | ERASMUS+ KA2 Cooperation partnerships in adult education | 2023-2026 |
Czech-Ukrainian Partnership for Digital Education, Research Collaboration, and Diversity Management | Martina Rašticová | Strengthening the capacity of public universities in Ukraine in 2024 | 2024 |
Inter-university research and pedagogical cooperation with an emphasis on the transfer of Czech know-how in the field of higher education management, cooperation in professional publishing, scientific and academic activities | Martina Rašticová | Strengthening the capacity of public universities in Ukraine and Moldova in 2023 | 2023 |
MASUDEM – Master Studies in Sustainable Development and Management | Martina Rašticová | Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building | 2023-2025 |
Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization WIDIGInet – CA21107 | Martina Rašticová | COST ACTION Coordinator | 2022-2025 |
Training of future IT professionals in the field of artificial intelligence | Cyril Klimeš | Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building | 2021-2024 |
Measurement of CABM impact on the Czech Republic | Danuše Nerudová | European Climate Foundation | 2021-2022 |
European network for Mediterranean cyclones in weather and climate (MEDCYCLONES) | Robert Stojanov | COST ACTION | 2020-2024 |
Bridging Integrity in Higher Education, Business and Society | Jana Dannhoferová | Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership | 2020-2023 |
Visegrad Group Cooperation within the EU: Challenging the Rise of Euroscepticism | Lubor Lacina | International Visegrad Fund Strategic | 2020-2022 |
Experience-sharing of Visegrad countries to tax avoidance activity | Veronika Solilová | Visegrad Strategic | 2020-2022 |
Innovative Open Source courses for Computer Science curriculum | Jiří Rybička | Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships | 2019-2022 |
Work-based Learning in Future IT Professional Education | Cyril Klimeš | Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships | 2018-2021 |
Drylands Facing Change: Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Change, Food Insecurity, Political Instability (DFC) | Robert Stojanov | COST ACTION | 2017-2021 |
REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy (RESTORE) | Robert Stojanov | COST ACTION | 2017-2021 |
International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities’ Survey Data Network (ETHMIGSURVEYDATA) | Robert Stojanov | COST ACTION | 2017-2021 |
„Cultural opening“ – diversity and intercultural competences in the context of the refugee crisis. A multilateral collaboration between Germany, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia | Martina Rašticová | MŠMT – Německo | 2017-2019 |
Ocean Governance for Sustainability – challenges, options and the role of science (OceanGov) | Robert Stojanov | COST ACTION | 2016-2020 |
European Network for Academic Integrity | Tomáš Foltýnek | Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships | 2016-2019 |
Institutional Cooperation in Responsible and Sustainable Education | Sylvie Formánková | Norway Grants | 2016 |
FairTax – Revisioning the Fiscal EU: Fair, Sustainable, and Coordinated Tax and Social Policies | Danuše Nerudová | H2020 | 2015-2019 |
National projects
NAME | Researcher | Programme | period |
Ageing population and related challenges for health and social systems (AGEING-CZ) | Martina Rašticová | OP JAK SHUV | 2025-2028 |
Doing Everything Alone: Opportunities and Risks of Society’s Individualization (PRINS) | Martina Rašticová | OP JAK SHUV | 2025-2028 |
Research on the effectiveness of measures to reduce energy consumption and emissions from transport by increasing the use of public transport at the expense of individual car transport at the regional level | Petr David | TAČR | 2025-2028 |
Dynamics in ownership patterns of multinational banks | Evžen Kočenda | GAČR | 2025-2027 |
CleverMaps Data Marketplace 2.0 | Jaromír Landa | OP TAK | 2025-2026 |
Decision support system for achieving climate and energy goals in the Czech Republic | David Hampel | TAČR | 2024-2027 |
Optimization in European Business Groups: Group leverage distribution, use of tax shields, assets stripping and profit transfers | Jan Hanousek | GAČR | 2024-2026 |
GREENHOUSE 4.0 | Oldřich Trenz | TAČR | 2024-2026 |
SANDBOX ![]() | Jan Hanousek | NPO | 2024-2026 |
Artificial Intelligence for Geolocation Projects – CHATBOT | Jan Přichystal | TAČR | 2024-2026 |
Developing the professional knowledge of computer science students in the field of cybersecurity implementation and increasing the education of employees and students of Mendel University and the general public in the field of cybersecurity | Cyril Klimeš | NÚKIB | 2024-2025 |
CleverMaps Performance Optimization by MENDELU | Ivo Pisařovic | OP TAK | 2024 |
Adaptive administration of IT infrastructure based on environmental monitoring using IoT | Jiří Balej | FR CESNET | 2024-2025 |
Increasing efficiency, building infrastructure and developing the academic environment (ZEBRA) | Jan Přichystal | OP JAK ERDF | 2025-2028 |
Sustainable and Modern Academic Environment Project (PUMA) | Pavel Žufan | OP JAK ESF | 2025-2028 |
Analytical Platform 2.0. – a platform for automated portfolio management using learning systems | Jan Přichystal | OP TAK | 2023-2026 |
Promoting behavioural change in Generation Z and designing interventions to prevent food waste, including evaluation of their impact | Lucie Veselá | TAČR | 2023-2026 |
Digital educational tools for the development of the consumer’s environmental competences | Lucie Veselá | TAČR | 2023-2026 |
The potential of brownfield revitalization with the possibility of partial self-financing | Ladislava Issever Grochová | TAČR | 2023-2026 |
Authorship Verifier | Pavel Turčínek | TAČR | 2023-2026 |
Determination of the volume of food waste produced by households and selected types of contributory organizations in the capital city of Prague in the context of the usefulness of this data for reporting and reducing food waste | Lucie Veselá | TAČR | 2023-2025 |
Corporate social behaviour and responses to CSR policies, institutions, and economic distress | Svatopluk Kapounek | GAČR | 2023-2025 |
People Like Us? A Reverse Sociology of Migration in Czechia | Radka Klvaňová | GAČR | 2023-2025 |
Geographies of Crip Temporalities: Time in Everydayness of People with Disabilities | Hana Porkertová | GAČR | 2023-2025 |
New Methods in Pricing Government Debt: Uncertainty and Policy Implications | Katrin Rabitsch | GAČR | 2022-2024 |
Location Insights For Business Intelligence![]() Výzva: OP PIK Aplikace – Výzva IX Název projektu: Location Insights For Business Intelligence Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/21_374/0026840 Plánovaná doba realizace: 04/2022- 05/2023 | Jan Přichystal | OP PIK | 2022-2023 |
ALVAO for Digital Age Projekt je spolufinancován Evropskou unií. Cílem projektu je vytvoření nové softwarové platformy pro řešení požadavků pracovníků v organizacích, zajištění maximální míry automatizace procesů s použitím umělé inteligence. ![]() ![]() | František Dařena | OP PIK | 2021-2023 |
Developing competences in sustainable development leading to reduced food waste | Lucie Veselá | ESF | 2021-2023 |
Research and development of a software platform with artificial intelligence elements for the digital office | František Dařena | OP PIK | 2021-2023 |
Pilot research on the basics of digital twin functions for improving production processes at NADOP | David Procházka | OP PIK | 2021-2023 |
Prediction of emission savings in road transport achieved by application of the selected tax and fee instruments by 2030 | Břetislav Andrlík | TAČR | 2021-2023 |
System for managing recovery processes in crisis situations | Jaromír Landa | MVČR – BV | 2021-2022 |
Digitalisation in the labour market: challenges, opportunities and inequalities for older workers | Martin Lakomý | GAČR | 2021-2024 |
Data Processing Software Cílem projektu je průmyslový výzkum a experimentální vývoj polyfunkční datové platformy (software) sdružující soubory funkcí pro provádění datové analýzy a analýzy textu konsorcia organizací CCF RESEARCH, a.s. a Mendelovy univerzity v Brně. ![]() | Jan Přichystal | OP PIK | 2020-2023 |
Geographies of disadvantage: the blind experience of urban space | Hana Porkertová | GAČR | 2020-2022 |
Pro-environmental behavior of households and incentives for behavioral change in food waste production | Lea Kubíčková | TAČR | 2019-2022 |
Financial sector and real economy interaction | Svatopluk Kapounek | GAČR | 2019-2021 |
Fiscal quantification of environmental costs of truck traffic in the Czech Republic | Petr David | TAČR | 2018-2020 |
Ethics in public administration | Martina Rašticová | TAČR | 2018-2021 |
Smart Migration in Czech Republic | Robert Stojanov | TAČR | 2018-2022 |
Optimal policies in the presence of nonlinear constraints in a mixed forest economy | Jitka Janová | GAČR | 2018-2020 |
Fair corporate taxation: measuring the impact of profit shifting on the Czech budget | Danuše Nerudová | GAČR | 2018-2020 |
Multicriterial Text Analysis Software | Jan Přichystal | OP PIK | 2018-2020 |
SQTrader – výzkum a vývoj optimalizačních řešení při správě aktiv | Jan Přichystal | OP PIK | 2018-2020 |
Pairing kernel research and EQS software development | Jan Přichystal | OP PIK | 2017-2018 |
Comparative Study of Crowdfunding Projects in EU: Access to Finance, Risks and Regulation | Pavel Žufan | GAČR | 2017-2019 |
Modelling and simulation of sustainable investment for decision support | Jiří Hřebíček / Oldřich Trenz | GAČR | 2017-2019 |
Support of multidisciplinary research study programmes for young scientists | Cyril Klimeš | OP VVV | 2017-2022 |
Research infrastructure for young scientists | Petr Jedlička | OP VVV | 2017-2021 |
Competitive graduate of Mendel University in Brno | Marcel Ševela | OP VVV | 2017-2022 |
Infrastructure for a competitive graduate | Marcel Ševela | OP VVV | 2017-2021 |
A robust approach for testing the normality of the error term in econometric models | Luboš Střelec | GAČR | 2016-2018 |
Sentiment and its impact on stock markets | Svatopluk Kapounek | GAČR | 2016-2018 |
Research on the quality of life of the elderly in the Czech Republic | Lea Kubíčková | TAČR | 2016 |
Development of a methodology for the implementation, evaluation and effectiveness of the National Action Plan for Positive Ageing | Lea Kubíčková | TAČR | 2016-2017 |
Methodology for assessing the social effectiveness of public policy institutions | Martina Rašticová | TAČR | 2016-2017 |
Contract research
Name | Researcher | Company | period |
Destination Card Efficiency Survey | Kateřina Provazník Ryglová | Magistrát města Brna | 2025 |
BeVi – eye-tracking data | Stanislav Mokrý | BeVi AI FlexCo | 2024 |
Survey of satisfaction and reasons for visiting South Moravia | Ida Rašovská | Centrála cestovního ruchu – Jižní Morava, z.s.p.o. | 2022 |
Contract research to predict the impact of the choice of technologies to fulfil the scope and content of the proposal | Zuzana Špendel | IBA CZ | 2022 |
Expert study on Increasing competitiveness of micro-and-small farms in an environment of sustainable development in comparison to large farms | Jan Vavřina | European Parliament European Conservatives and Reformists Group | 2021-2022 |
Competence Centers Programme COMET | František Dařena | Know-Center GmbH | 2021-2026 |
Validation of the process capabilities of the Camunda modeller implementation for the Advanced Framework for Microservices-based Process Automation (AFPA) | Zuzana Špendel | IBA CZ | 2021 |
Design of a new generation of QI information system | David Procházka | QI Group a.s. | 2020-2022 |
Exploration and validation of technology and process hypotheses | Zuzana Špendel | IBA CZ | 2021 |
Contract research for the design of the next generation QI information system | David Procházka | QI Group a.s. | 2020-2022 |