Courses offered in English

Dear exchange students, when you choose courses, please, check the syllabus of the course. The syllabus will open when you click on the name of the course. You should consider that to be able to follow some courses (especially ICT), you should have certain knowledge of topics covered in courses listed in the section “Prerequisites”.


  • EBA – subjects starting with EBA are meant for bachelor students
  • ENA – subjects starting with ENA are meant for master students
  • It is not possible to study the same and related subjects in the same semester (e.g. EBA-MAR Marketing 1a ENA MAR Marketing 2)

Academic calendar

2024/2025Teaching periodexam period
Winter semester23. 9. 2024 – 20. 12. 202423. 12. 2024 – 7. 2. 2025
Summer semester17. 2. 2025 – 16. 5. 202519. 5. 2025 – 29. 6. 2025

Public Holidays

There are no lectures/seminars during public holidays and the University is closed.

1st JanuaryNew Year DayNový rok
Moveable FridayGood FridayVelký pátek
Moveable MondayEaster MondayVelikonoční pondělí
1st MayLabour DaySvátek práce
8th MayLiberation DayDen vítězství
5th JulySaints Cyril and Methodius DayDen slovanských věrozvěstů Cyrila a Metoděje
6th JulyJan Hus DayDen upálení mistra Jana Husa
28th SeptemberSt. Wenceslas Day (Czech Statehood Day)Den české státnosti
28th OctoberIndependent Czechoslovak State DayDen vzniku samostatného československého státu
17th NovemberStruggle for freedom and democracyDen boje za svobodu a demokracii
24th DecemberChristmas EveŠtědrý den
25th DecemberChristmas Day1. svátek vánoční
26th DecemberSt. Stephen´s Day (The Second Christmas Day)2. svátek vánoční