Call for exchange programmes

13. 1. 2022
Call for Erasmus+, Bilateral Agreements and Erasmus+ Credit Mobility
International Relations Office MENDELU announces the 1st round of the selection procedure of the year 2022 for study stays and internships within the Erasmus+ program and Bilateral agreements. You can apply until January 26, 2022. The written and oral language test will take place between 14th to 25th of February 2022. Preparatory language course from English will be held in the week from 7th till 11th February 2022. The course will be open according to student’s interest and only if epidemiological measures will allow students presence. For more information contact: The results of the selection procedure will be announced on March 7, 2022.

How to apply?

Check our faculty website for list of available universities and instructions how to submit application!


  • Study stays in winter and summer semester of academic year 2022/23, Europe, for 1 semester, min 2 months, scholarship for living expenses
  • Internships – Europe, 2 – 12 months, scholarship for living expenses *
  • Recent Graduate Internship – Europe, application must be send before the end of study, internship can be realized until 12 months after the end of study, 2 – 12 months, scholarship for living expenses for the first 2 months*
  • Short-term internship for Ph.D. students – Europe, 5 – 30 days, scholarship for living expenses*
* It is also possible to apply for all types of internships without the announced selection procedure anytime within semester.

Bilateral agreements

Bachelor and Master students
  • Study stays or Internships – outside Europe, 1 – 12 months, scholarship for travel and living expenses
  • Summer schools around the world, 1 – 30 days, scholarship for registration fee
  • Mobility with academic staff – outside Europe, min 5 students, most often for 1 month, scholarship for travel and living expenses
Ph.D. students
  • Short-term internships – active participation at conference/science symposium, scholarship for registration fee
  • Long-term internships – min 1 month, primarily outside Europe, scholarship for travel and living expenses
  • Special call for summer school at Louisiana State University: LSU summer school Support of internship with People in Need: People in Need
  • Summer schools around the world, 1 – 30 days, scholarship for registration fee
  • Study stays or Internships – outside Europe, 1 – 12 months, scholarship for travel and living expenses
  • Summer schools around the world, 1 – 30 days, scholarship for registration fee

Erasmus+ Credit mobility

  • 2 months intership in Izrael – Bar Illan University a Ben Gurion University
If you have any questions, please contact faculty International Relations Office at (Erasmus+ study stays) or (Internships, Bilteral agreements)

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