Census 2021

25. 3. 2021
NOT only all citizens of the Czech Republic, who have a permanent residence here, are obliged to enumerate themselves.
Dear students, Each of you who is currently in the Czech Republic has a legal obligation to register into the electronic Census form. You must enumerate yourself in case you have a permanent or temporary residence in the Czech Republic for more than 90 days. You must also fill in the form if you have been granted asylum or you have stayed in our territory at midnight from 26 to 27 March 2021.
  1. You will enter the form via this link Online census
  2. For more information about the registration please go to the website How to be counted
To access the electronic form via an identity document, you must be registered in the population register and the dwelling address must be in the  in the Census address database (only in Czech). If the user’s identification data does not correspond to the data entered in the population register managed by the Ministry of the Interior, or the address entered is not in the database, it is not possible to continue filling in the electronic Census form. In this case, it will be necessary to be enumerated using a paper Census form.” This also applies to our foreigners, especially those who have some form of long-term residence (= have a document with an ID) and our Government knows about them (especially self-payers and degree students).

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